Dear Friends,

You’ve done it again! Thanks to you, NRCAT met our challenge match in our year-end matching gift campaign, Rising Together for Human Rights goal to raise $40,000. We surpassed our goal with the generous support of allies like you across the country!

2024 will usher in important new opportunities to advocate for an end to torture. Your generous support will allow NRCAT to pursue our collective work for human rights and human dignity, as we work to win passage of federal and state legislation to end solitary confinement, continue to grow the NRCAT National Network of Solitary Survivors, engage with members of Congress to stand against torture, and protect dignity and human rights for all.

I invite you to visit the NRCAT website ( often in the year ahead and connect with us on social media for important updates and opportunities as we grow and deepen our interfaith human rights campaigns in 2024.

On behalf of the entire NRCAT national staff and board, thank you for your faithful partnership in the pursuit of justice and peace.


Rev. Ron Stief
Executive Director

P.S. If you want to give us an additional boost as we begin 2024, click here to make a donation today.

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National Religious Campaign Against Torture
PO Box 91820
Washington, DC 20090


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