Arise Update

In This Issue...

March 18, 2020


Arise legislative recap: March 18, 2020

We want to introduce you to Sherrel Wheeler Stewart, Arise's new story collection coordinator. In this video, Sherrel talks about her new position and explains how you can help her tell the stories of uninsured and underinsured Alabamians who live in the Medicaid coverage gap. Click here to share your story with Sherrel.


COVID-19: 7 policy changes that would help protect Alabamians

The coronavirus pandemic will strain Alabama's health care system and economy in unprecedented ways. On our blog, Arise's Robyn Hyden writes about seven policy changes that would help ensure the most vulnerable Alabamians have the medical care, social supports and other protections they need to weather the crisis.

How many adults are at risk of serious illness if infected with coronavirus?

Tens of thousands of lives  maybe more depend on Alabama's actions in the coming days and weeks. More than 46% of Alabama adults are at higher risk of serious illness if they are infected, the Kaiser Family Foundation estimates. Governments at all levels must act now to keep our health care system as strong as it can possibly be.

Drop Alabama's grocery tax? Senate committee hears debate

Untaxing groceries is one big step Alabama could take to help struggling families make ends meet during this emergency. As Arise's Robyn Hyden said in the Montgomery Advertiser last week, "We're subsidizing a reliance on [a] tax loophole that helps a few people with a ridiculous and unjust tax on food that hurts everybody."

Education, health care, nutrition and more: Why the Census matters to Alabama

Alabama will need massive investments in core public services to endure this pandemic and rebuild in its aftermath. On our blog, Arise's Mike Nicholson explains how the 2020 Census will affect federal funding for these services and why you should participate in the Census today.

Alabama House cancels March 25 committee meetings due to coronavirus

The Legislature will return from its scheduled spring break later this month, but it's unclear what the rest of the regular session will look like. The House and Senate will reconvene March 31 to decide on future meeting days. Lawmakers may decide to shorten the session, or they could end it entirely and return for a special session later in the year.

Alabama Arise's response to the COVID-19 pandemic

Arise's first priority is the physical and mental health and safety of our members, partners and staff, and of people living in poverty. That's why we're following health experts' social distancing recommendations and working from home for the foreseeable future. Despite this change, we remain as committed as ever to making public policy better for struggling Alabamians through policy analysis, advocacy and organizing.

Alabama Arise

P.O. Box 1188, Montgomery, Alabama 36101

(334) 832-9060  ·  [email protected]

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