Dear Friend,
Cardinal Burke’s Operation Storm
Heaven Holy Mass was a tremendous gift to all of us. How great it was
to start the New Year with His Eminence chanting Veni Creator Spiritus (Come Holy Spirit) at
the beginning of the Holy Mass. This hymn calls on the Holy Spirit's guidance, protection and
blessing before endeavoring something new; it is also sung or recited
on Pentecost Sunday.
During the homily, His Eminence
spoke about the great redemptive mystery of the Incarnation of Our
Lord, Jesus Christ:
“The text of the holy scriptures
draws us three aspects…. that God, the Son, the second person of the
Holy Trinity, has united His Divine nature, to our nature, the human
nature, taking under the Immaculate Heart of Mary, a human heart,
taking on human flesh in order that He might be born of Mary at
Bethlehem and through His public ministry and most of all through His
passion, death, resurrection and ascension, save us from our sins and
win for us the grace to live in Him during our days on earth and so
to, to be with Him, one day forever in heaven.”
More highlights from the homily:
“Today, we remember the
circumcision of Our Lord, a first participation in the passion in the
shedding of blood in this rite. He shows Himself to be completely one
with us in our human nature, of course and everything except sin. And
His first shedding of blood on the part of our Savior, which also,
surely was a cause of suffering for His mother, for her to see Her
child suffering in this way…it finds its fulfillment and consummation
in the piercing of His Most Sacred Heart, after He died on the cross
for us, pouring forth of the blood and water from His most Sacred
Heart, it is a sign of that grace which He has won for us, the grace
of the Holy Spirit, that we might in the words of St. Paul in the
Epistle for today’s mass lead upright, just and Godly lives during our
days on earth so when the crown of righteousness, be with Our Lord in
eternal joy when we pass from this life, to this life which is to
“The name of Jesus says everything about the reality of who
He is – God made man for our salvation. The name Jesus which means
Savior; God saves us. We know that in Jesus Christ we alone can find
our salvation.”
“We pray today, in a
special way today, that Mary,
who is the Mother of God, will intercede powerfully for us, that we
might cooperate more fully in our lives with the grace which first
came into the world at the birth of Our Lord. The grace of God’s life
with us in the Church through the outpouring of the Sevenfold Gifts of
the Holy Spirit from His Most Sacred Heart, into our
here to view the Holy Mass and Rosary. The homily begins at 10:58.
In this New Year and
especially on this traditional feast of the Most
Holy Name of Jesus, may every head bow at the sound of His sacred
Yours in the Holy Family of Jesus,
Mary and Joseph,

Thomas McKenna
Founder and President
Catholic Action For Faith And
Family https://www.catholicaction.org/
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