
In times of crisis, leaders must communicate honestly, prepare aggressively, act decisively, and ensure results.

Leaders who do this will dispel uncertainty and fear. They will inspire trust and confidence.

What doesn’t work is telling people over and over again to be confident in the face of a very real threat—or providing misinformation, failing to prepare, delaying action, and taking zero responsibility for results.

We have seen governments at the city, county, and state levels stepping up in a huge way. They are communicating honestly, preparing aggressively with the appropriate concern this situation demands, and acting decisively by making tough calls that will save American lives.

Numerous private sector leaders have also taken leading roles in getting people to self-isolate and providing critical services to Americans in need.

We must see the same response from our federal government—starting with President Trump and including the United States Congress. And we need that response now.

Then we need to ensure results. From the President to the average mom and dad at home with their kids, all of us need to be vigilant to ensure we’re all doing what we’re supposed to do. Is the VA actually prepared? Are your kids actually washing their hands? Ensuring these things happen will literally make the difference between life or death for many Americans.

If our leaders can demonstrate clear plans and decisive actions, while pointing to measurable results, public confidence will increase. That’s what real leadership in times of crisis is all about.

Please read more of my thoughts about how we can confront this virus together here.

Be well,
