Dear Partners, 

The recent outbreak of the novel coronavirus in the United States has exposed many deficiencies in our nation's public health and health care systems. 

The virus's spread has been made worse because of inadequate testing, poor coordination, non-interoperable health information technology, and inconsistent, non-scientific information coming from key leaders.

For an effective response to the outbreak moving forward, we are sharing resources here that lay out a pathway for testing, containment, and treatment in our health care system:

  • Recommendations for COVID-19 Response (Comment Letter, Families USA)
  • Families First Coronavirus Response Act (Summary | Legislative Text)
  • Immediate Actions the Administration Can Take to Ensure Seamless Access to COVID-19 Testing and Treatment (Sign-On Letter, Community Catalyst, Families USA, NHeLP, and U.S. of Care)
  • A Roundup of Multilingual Resources on COVID-19 (Webpage, Switchboard)
  • Updates and Information on COVID-19 for Survivors of Domestic and Intimate Partner Violence (Blog, Futures without Violence)
  • COVID-19 (Coronavirus) Information and Resources (Document, National Alliance on Mental Illness Hotline)
  • Technical Amendments (3/16/2020)
There are generally two categories of policy that we recommend based on what we believe is most urgent and time-sensitive for responding to the pandemic:
  • Lowering barriers to access to health care both by reducing the number of people without health insurance and by reducing out of pocket costs for people with health insurance, and;
  • Mitigating the economic impact of the looming recession due to the massive disruption caused by the pandemic. 
For all of us, reaching out to our Senators and Representatives as organizations and individuals is a top priority to see a stronger response to COVID.

We also encourage you to share these resources with state policymakers and your networks. 

To your health,
Raven Gomez,
Partnerships Coordinator 
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Health Action Network

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