Trump from 2024 Ballot Is an Inside-the-Beltway
Here are the professional left-wing
activists responsible for the Colorado Supreme Court’s undemocratic
Credit Activism Inc. for taking the nation one step closer towards
While all eyes are on the Colorado Supreme Court—which voted 4–3
on Dec. 19 to bar likely Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump
from the March 2024 primary ballot—they should be
scrutinizing the professional litigant groups who’ve spent months
shopping blue state courts for precisely this ruling.
We’ve been tracking
them since this sinister campaign began in early September. Here’s
the rundown.

Why Is
Joe Biden Screwing Seniors To Subsidize Electric
The Biden administration is more
interested in pet projects, unsustainable green schemes, and
ideological revenue redistribution than in the core functions of
The Biden administration is so obsessed with making electric
vehicles (EVs) work as part of its green agenda that it’s taking money
away from seniors — namely, drug savings under Medicare.
Unsurprisingly, it has also failed to advertise that fact.
The news of EV and green energy subsidies flew under the radar
until a poll conducted in Arizona alerted voters there to the scheme.
Fully three-quarters of Arizona voters polled (76 percent) said they
didn’t know the Biden administration diverted money from Medicare
“savings” to subsidize green projects, and by an 80-10 margin,
respondents strongly opposed such a tactic.

New on First
Right: Protecting truth and liberty with Lathan Watts
of Alliance Defending Freedom
First Right welcomes Lathan Watts, VP of Public Affairs at Alliance
Defending Freedom (ADF). ADF is a leading Christian law firm with
the mission to advance the God-given right to live and speak the
truth, and Lathan is here to share the latest information on abortion
laws, transgender athletes, and protecting free speech.
now and learn more about groundbreaking cases that include life,
liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.

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