
We're taking TICTeC online

and you're invited

Virtual event

The Impacts of Civic Technology conference

Online, and free to access

TICTeC's going ahead. We may have had to cancel the physical conference, but we're not letting that stop us.

On the afternoons of Tuesday 24 and Wednesday 25 March, please join us online for a virtual TICTeC. Free of charge, of course.

See the full agenda and find out how to join in here.

What is TICTeC?

TICTeC is mySociety's annual Impacts of Civic Technology conference which brings together civic tech practitioners, commentators and academics from around the world to debate, network, and share research and knowledge.

TICTeC 2020, the sixth edition, was planned to run in Reykjavik next week. Like so many in-person events, of course, we had to cancel because of the escalating situation around Covid-19.

But out of bad things can come good. Our online conference will make the insights and conversations from TICTeC available to a much wider audience, and for free. The line-up is still full of the thought-provoking and insightful speakers from across the world that have always made TICTeC the very special event it is.

So, if you have the chance to join us, or even just to dip in for a bit, please do. You're more than welcome.

Who's on the line-up?

Expect barnstorming keynote sessions from Nanjala Nyabola and Hollie Russon Gilman, each giving profound insights into the extraordinary political times we are living in, from a global perspective.

There'll also be sessions from representatives of Iceland's local and national government and civil society; research presented from Uganda, Taiwan, North and South America and beyond; and speakers from a range of organisations including Civic Hall, Citizens Foundation of Iceland,, Transparency International, The African Legal Information Institute, Frag Den Staat... and more.

Check the agenda for full timings and more details.

There is space for everyone

Unlike the real TICTeC, there's virtually no restriction on how many people can join us online. So please share this message anywhere you can: newsletters, social media, email, mailing lists etc.

Thanks! Hope to see you there.

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Image credit: Nathan Ansell

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