
Will New York Meet its Goals for Offshore Wind Power?

New York has big plans to generate power from non-polluting renewable energy, produced by giant windmills floating in the Atlantic ocean. The goal, put forth by the state’s 2019 climate law, is to develop 9,000 megawatts of offshore wind power by 2035 and help the state move away from fossil fuels that contribute to global warming.

 And while New York has secured eight offshore wind contracts for development, energy experts say not enough investment is being made in the port infrastructure needed to assemble the wind turbines and deploy them out to sea.

“If we don’t start moving more sequentially and in a timely manner, then the next great bottleneck in getting offshore wind projects off the ground will be the ports,” said Robert Freudenberg, vice president of energy and environmental programs at the non-profit Regional Plan Association (RPA)


‘A Failure of Our Policies’: Vigil Honors New Yorkers Who Experienced Homelessness

For several years running, Urban Pathways and Care for the Homeless, a shelter and healthcare provider, have hosted Homeless Persons’ Memorial Day to honor hundreds of people who died in the past year and experienced homelessness in life.

Read the story.
2023 Look-Back: Our Biggest Stories of the Year

Heading into 2024, City Limits looks back at key stories and investigations from the last 12 months on New York City housing, homelessness, climate policy and more.

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City Views

Opinions & Analysis
Opinion: Defend, Don’t Defund, NYC’s Community Schools

“These schools represent an inclusive model of education, one that seamlessly integrates schools with the broader community network and thus merits a dedicated, reliable funding stream.”

Read the oped.

Una Ciudad sin Límites

City Limits en Español
PODCAST: ¿Por qué hubo más de 3.000 muertes en exceso en Puerto Rico en 2022?

Puerto Rico lleva más de dos décadas bregando con una crisis en el sistema de salud, sus instituciones hospitalarias y recientemente la pandemia de COVID, y en 2022 hubo unas 3.300 muertes en exceso, un aumento histórico en las muertes en la isla. Leer el artículo.

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