
Our national press exposure has risen significantly in the past two weeks (see links below), and our people approach in Iowa has resulted in public polling placing us higher or tied with nearly two thirds of all the Presidential candidates who have been in the race for months to years (link below), and I am now turning focused attention to the Fall debate stages.

I had kept in my bureau drawer a few of the "Command Coins” I handed to exceptional young sailors — or to leaders of nations who visited us at sea — while I led our nation's youth in harm’s way as the Commander of the George Washington Aircraft Carrier Battle Group (and COMCRUDESGRU TWO) in war -- the highest honor I will ever be given.

Because of what these coins mean to me in "service," I would like to present two "exceptional" supporters, each with one of my remaining "Command Coins." 

I must gather 130,000 individual donors of $1 each — $1 — to mount the Fall debate stages, I would like to give the two supporters who gather the highest number of people that each give at least $1 (more, if desired) a "Command Coin” — by midnight of Monday, August 26.

Thank you!


The rules/procedure are as follows:

Anyone can contribute $1 by visiting (while they input their name and address, donations under $200 are not reported to the FEC but must be recorded for our records to show we collected 130,000 individual donors) (you are to ensure we receive from you the names of those who contribute online so we can attribute them to your total).

If someone wants to hand you a dollar, that is also fine. Just record their name and address on the form provided by downloading the name and address sheet from my website

And if you would like to also "share" the donation link with friends on Facebook or Twitter, the URL is

If one collects $1 contributions in cash, mail them to the PO Box below with the lists of names and addresses; or keep the cash and mail a check for the amount made out to “Joe Sestak for President,” along with the name and address lists. Again, the names and addresses are only for having proof if asked who contributed, but are not reported to the FEC if under $200.

The mailing address for the checks/cash and name and address lists is:

Joe Sestak for President
P.O. Box 17246
Alexandria, VA 22302

Please send in all name and address lists with the contributions to be received no later than Monday, August 26 at the Post Office.


An “about Joe” brochure is also available by downloading the brochure from my website

For a shorter biography: Joe Sestak is a former 3-Star Admiral who commanded an aircraft carrier battle group in war; led the Navy's first strategic anti-terrorism unit; was President Clinton's Director of Defense Policy. He was also a Democratic Congressman representing an almost 2-to-1 Republican district, and was re-elected without spending any money on campaign ads. A man willing to stand up to even his own party’s leadership. A background that can serve us well on the Presidential debate stage.

Thank you so very much. I am more than grateful for your kind support and consideration.

Joe Sestak

P.S. Here are the links mentioned above:


Come on board.  We encourage you to visit our website
and get involved in these challenging and wonderful times.


  Paid for by Joe Sestak for President.

Joe Sestak
P.O Box 17246
Alexandria, VA 22302
United States