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It’s 2024. Is America still indispensable?

By Andrew J. Bacevich on Jan 01, 2024 12:05 am
Featured Image Joe Biden is neither an original thinker nor a profound one. Granted, few if any figures laboring in the trenches of contemporary American politics can claim to be either. On that score, it would be unreasonable for us to hold Biden’s lack of depth and originality against him. He is, after all, just an Average Joe.

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Remember when Japan was going to take over the world?

By John Mueller on Dec 30, 2023 12:05 am
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The most important security issue for the United States, the contest/competition/rivalry with China, may soon fade away.
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The 7 best foreign policy books of 2023

By Connor Echols on Dec 29, 2023 12:05 am
Featured Image Are you looking for the perfect foreign policy book to start the New Year right? We spent the last few weeks asking our favorite thinkers what new titles they loved this year. Here are the seven books that stood out in 2023.
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Mainstream media wasn't good for US foreign policy in 2023

By Ben Armbruster on Dec 29, 2023 12:05 am
Featured Image American militarism has many authors. From lawmakers on Capitol Hill and policy makers in the executive branch to the defense industry and its army of lobbyists, many in Washington and beyond have an interest, whether political or financial (or both), in keeping the Pentagon’s coffers overstuffed and the global U.S. military machine humming.
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US policies pushing China, Philippines to brink of conflict

By Mark Episkopos on Dec 28, 2023 12:05 am
Featured Image A mounting maritime dispute between China and the Philippines, underwritten by spiraling U.S.-China tensions, threatens to ignite the South China Sea.
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Is US helping to create new global jihadists?

By Emile Nakhleh on Dec 28, 2023 12:05 am
Featured Image The more Palestinians believe that Washington is condoning the unprecedented devastation of Gaza and the killing and injuring of tens of thousands of Palestinians, the higher the probability that Hamas’s resistance against Israel could expand into a global jihad and raise the terrorism threat against the United States.
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