Wednesday, 18 March 2020

Index on Censorship Covid-19 Update

At this time, Index on Censorship is more important than ever. During this international emergency nations may use the opportunity to take extra powers, control the media and shut down critics and free expression. Index’s role right now is to monitor this within the UK and internationally and to continue to highlight and speak out against any attempts to close down free speech. 

The public right to be informed and know what it is going on has already been challenged as part of this crisis. We will work to highlight the necessity for transparency and public information at this vital time. 

Like many of you, we are having to change the way we work to keep our colleagues safe. We are carrying out most of our work remotely and moving our meetings to video conferencing. We may be a little slower than usual responding to queries while we adjust, and we thank you for your patience.

Please continue to keep an eye on our social media for updates and we hope you are keeping safe and looking after yourselves and loved ones in this challenging time.

The Index on Censorship Team

Index on Censorship defends people's freedom to express themselves without fear of harm or persecution. We publish censored writers and artists, monitor and campaign against censorship, and encourage debate.  

We rely on donations from readers and supporters. By donating to Index you help us to protect freedom of expression and to support those who are denied that right.
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