Hi Friend,
As we make our New Year's Resolutions for 2024, let's put this at the top: creating a gigantic Blue Wave to defeat Donald Trump and all MAGA Republicans in November.
Wouldn’t that be amazing?
Here is exactly how we’ll do it, in two easy steps:
Pledge to vote for Joe Biden and Democrats at every level in November
Ask all your Democratic friends to join you in taking our Blue Wave pledge
That’s it!
Here is our Blue Wave Pledge:
I pledge to vote for Joe Biden and Democrats at every level in November
I pledge to text my Democratic friends to make sure they vote in November
After you take the pledge, you’ll see instructions to install our free SwipeBlue app on your phone.
We'll match your contacts to the public voter file to show your Democratic friends.
Then you Swipe Blue (left) your Democratic friends - like Tinder for Democrats!
Then you can text them our Blue Wave Pledge message.
It's that easy!
take the Blue Wave Pledge
and help us make 2024 the Year of the Gigantic Blue Wave!
Thanks for all you do.
Bob Fertik, President
p.s. If you're on your laptop, use your phone's camera to take a picture of this QR code and that will take you to the app store.