March 18, 2020
Science for the People
SftP COVID-19 Organizing Call: Sunday, March 22, 4 p.m. ET
Dear People,

Due to the rapidly evolving nature of the COVID-19 situation, Science for the People will hold a call this coming Sunday, March 22, at 4 p.m. Eastern, focusing on the pandemic and how SftP can respond. If you cannot join the call but would like to share information about what is going on in your area or find out what you can do, please reply to this email.
Preliminary Agenda:
1. How is your locality doing; comparison of infrastructure and response in different areas
2. Draft Statement for SftP website 
3. Strategies for advocating for those vulnerable to losing health care and other basic resources 
4. SftP outreach and recruitment strategies
Everyone is welcome and encouraged to join this call. If you have any questions or suggested agenda items, please respond to this email.
How to join the call on Sunday:
In solidarity,
Science for the People
The Science We Need

Looking for something to read? Check out features from “Envisioning and Enacting the Science We Need,” the second issue of Science for the People magazine, online now.
Volume 23, Number 3: Bio-Politics

Science for the People seeks proposals for articles, art, and other content for the upcoming issue, “Bio-Politics” (Volume 23, Number 3, autumn 2020). 

When Science for the People emerged in the late 1960s, the group immediately took on the fight against racism and sexism in the biological sciences, eugenics and biological determinism. This was not the first time that an attempt to revive antiquated colonialist, ableist, sexist, heterosexist, and racist views was implemented under the guise of scientific advances. 

In our current moment, we are again seeing essentialist and determinist views being reinstated with appeals to neuroscience, genomics, and other leading edge developments in scientific research. This issue seeks to expose and explore the ways that modern scientific research is being misused to promote harmful, divisive views, to discuss ways to combat these trends, and interventions to help us move towards inclusive, accurate, science for the people.

Click here to learn more and submit your proposal
Submission Deadline: May 8, 2020

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