Hi John,

I wanted to make sure you saw my email this afternoon. Will you please give to the National Immigrant Justice Center (NIJC) before midnight tonight? Your support will provide critical legal services and representation to people seeking opportunity and safety and will bring them closer to building stable and dignified lives in the United States.   

We’re 90% of the way to our year-end goal. You can help us get to the finish line.  

Plus, if you give now, your donation will be matched! Thanks to NIJC partners Stephanie Schweitzer and Nicholas Seeley, Marj Lundy and Jamie Godshalk, Saul Ewing, and Kirkland & Ellis, your gift before midnight will be matched dollar-for-dollar up to $74,000!

Your donation now will have twice the impact! Please donate before the deadline tonight: https://immigrantjustice.org/donate

Thank you for supporting immigrants and people seeking safety.  

With my deepest gratitude,  

Mary Meg McCarthy
Executive Director, NIJC


From: Mary Meg McCarthy <[email protected]>
Sent: Sunday, December 31, 2023
To: John xxxxxx <[email protected]>
Subject: Will you give to support immigrants?


We’re nearing the final hours of 2023, but you still have time to support the National Immigrant Justice Center (NIJC). Your gift can change lives.

For 40 years, NIJC has been a beacon of hope, refuge, and justice by welcoming immigrants, asylum seekers, and refugees seeking safety and opportunity in this country. Our commitment to equal access to justice and defending human rights remains unwavering, but today, we face huge challenges.

The demand for our legal services is greater than ever. Global migration is at record highs. Our immigration system grows more complex. Families need our help more urgently than ever.

We need you now more than ever. Please give today. Your support gives people access to justice and keeps families together.

Give now and double your impact: https://immigrantjustice.org/donate  

Your gift today will make a real difference. And thanks to a generous match up the $74,000 from NIJC partners Stephanie Schweitzer and Nicholas Seeley, Marj Lundy and Jamie Godshalk, Saul Ewing, and Kirkland & Ellis, your impact doubles.

Last year, NIJC served more than 12,000 people with innovative legal services. Still the need persists, especially as more newcomers arrive here in our communities. Here is how your support empowers our new neighbors:

Supports TWO MONTHS 
of secure phone
calls with a lawyer

Provides a legal consultation
to keep

Screens 20 PEOPLE 
for a workshop
to apply for asylum

applications for Temporary
Protected Status

about their legal rights

against deportation

Will you join us in this critical mission today by making your donation now before the start of the new year? Your support, no matter the size, is deeply appreciated. And if you give now, your gift is doubled.

Donate now and your gift goes twice as far: https://immigrantjustice.org/donate

As we step into 2024, our commitment remains strong: to foster a welcoming environment grounded in compassion and to uphold human rights for all. Thank you for joining us in this mission.

With gratitude,  

Mary Meg McCarthy
Executive Director, National Immigrant Justice Center


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