From Christy Gleason <[email protected]>
Subject Reaching out one last time
Date January 1, 2024 12:30 AM
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Save the Children Action Network is the political voice for kids.
This is my last message for tonight, John. It’s getting late, so I’ll get straight to the point:
Our 4X match offer is moments away from expiring — making this your FINAL CHANCE to get fed up and give in 2023! [[link removed]]
Rush My Gift [[link removed]]
Usually, I ask you to lend your voice. Tonight, I’m asking you to amplify it with a donation. [[link removed]]
It’s not something I take lightly, John. But when a generous group of donors offers to match all gifts 3-to-1 up to $25,000* , you pull out all the stops.
Get Fed Up [[link removed]]
As we know all too well, the world ignores children’s voices. Time and time again, their needs come second... or third... or even fourth in Congress.
That’s why we started Save the Children Action Network: to create a new generation of advocates, united in the fight for kids’ rights.
So please, John, make giving the last thing you do this year. [[link removed]]
Join The Movement [[link removed]]
John, our 4X match offer is about to expire — and so is your chance to make FOUR times more change for children.
If you act fast, you can still meet the moment! Make a donation before MIDNIGHT to amplify your impact more than ever. [[link removed]] [[link removed]]
Rush My Gift [[link removed]]
I’m FED UP, John — and I know you are, too.
With empty bellies and lost learning opportunities. With lawmakers who don't put children’s futures first. With the fact that in a world with so much, millions have so little .
Please, unlock our 3-to-1 match before it expires tonight. The closer we get to our $25,000* goal, the stronger our advocacy will be. [[link removed]]
Get Fed Up And Give! [[link removed]]
John, your generosity will drive all the work we do for kids in 2024... like fighting the global hunger crisis, making child care accessible in America and supporting life-changing legislation for families around the world.
At first glance, it feels like a lot to take on — but not if we get fed up TOGETHER. Give now to make your gift go FOUR times as far! [[link removed]]
4x My Gift [[link removed]]
Inspired by your compassion,
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Christy Gleason
Executive Director
Save the Children Action Network
Donate by midnight on December 31st to 4X your impact — all thanks to a generous group of donors matching contributions up to $25,000. Get fed up and rush your gift for kids! [[link removed]]
Save the Children Action Network | 899 North Capitol Street NE | Suite 900 | Washington
District of Columbia 20002 | (800) 243-5075
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