2024 has loomed large for so long, and now it’s just hours away. With the presidential race at the top of the ticket, we can expect everything to be more intense and expensive across the board for our candidates.
New Politics candidates and officeholders strengthen our democracy with their fearless, service-oriented approach to leadership, and we have to have their backs every step of the way.
Tonight is our year-end fundraising deadline and the last chance to take advantage of our donor match, so your contribution will be doubled.
Here’s a link, please take a moment to help us start 2024 strong: https://secure.anedot.com/new-politics/np_eoy2023#[email protected]
Thank you for believing in New Politics and supporting our servant leaders! And Happy New Year!
— Tiffani
P.S. If you have given recently, thank you. It sometimes takes a bit for all records to update.