Whether you’ve donated, signed a petition, or showed up to a rally: I can’t thank you enough for being a part of this movement.

I’ll be really quick, John.

Whether you’ve donated, signed a petition, or showed up to a rally: I can’t thank you enough for being a part of this movement.

There are just a few hours left in 2023 and we’re so close to hitting our end-of-year fundraising goal. Can you chip in before midnight TONIGHT?

Donate $10
Donate $25
Donate $35
Donate $50
Other Amount

As always, your donations help us build the largest youth gun violence prevention movement, call politicians out on their BS, and secure meaningful policy change at every level of our government.

If that’s not something to toast to, I don’t know what is!

See you in 2024,

David Hogg Headshot

Paid for by March for Our Lives
March For Our Lives
P.O. Box 3417
New York, NY 10008
United States
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