Paid for by Mikie Sherrill

Hey , I’ll keep this quick so we can all log off and enjoy New Year’s Eve!

We’re putting the finishing touches on our FEC end-of-quarter fundraising report before the deadline in just a few hours, so this is the last time I’ll reach out to ask for your support this year.

The 2024 election is going to be our hardest test yet. Going up against National Republicans’ massive warchest means we’ll need to raise more resources than we ever have before. The attack ads will be nasty. The stakes will be sky-high.

But I believe in this team. Grassroots support was the key ingredient to flipping this seat blue in 2018 — and to all of our accomplishments ever since. For everything that’s changed during my political career, you have all held steady. I know we can win once again.

So please, will you make a contribution of $10 or more before our 11:59 PM deadline? I’ll leave my personal link for you here:

Thank you for your incredible support. Happy New Year!

— Mikie

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