From Public Citizen <>
Subject people liked this one
Date December 31, 2023 10:01 PM
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Folks really seemed to appreciate my earlier note about why this particular day
— December 31 — is so important for nonprofit organizations like Public Citizen.

It’s copied below in case you missed it.

We are just hours from our most critical fundraising deadline of the entire
year, so please give this a look.

Thank you!

- Robert


I know you’re getting a lot of emails right now from organizations whose work
you support.

Let me explain why this is the most important day of the year when it comes to fundraising for nonprofits like Public Citizen:

* Public Citizen spreads our fundraising out over the course of a year more
than many organizations do.

* Even so, more than a quarter of our online donations for the entire year come
in during the month of December, and more than a quarter of that comes in on December 31.

* Many, many people save their charitable giving for this one day of the year,
and there’s no use pretending not to be aware of that.

So here’s the plain reality:

If we come up short today, Public Citizen will not be at maximum strength
heading into 2024 — a year in which the American people will face resurgent
attacks on democracy and basic rights, not to mention what may go down as the
most consequential election in our nation’s history.

As I said, I know your inbox is filling up.

And I know not everyone can donate, no matter how critical the work we’re doing
together is.

If you can chip in today, please do so right now.
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A Public Citizen board member will match anything you contribute before midnight
dollar-for-dollar. [[link removed]]

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Or sign up as a Monthly Donor today and your contribution will be matched
dollar-for-dollar each and every month for a full year!
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Thank you so much for supporting Public Citizen.

For progress,

- Robert Weissman, President of Public Citizen

P.S. If donating today is not a good fit, I understand. I hope you’ll accept
that I need to ask now and again — especially at this time of year — so that we
have the resources to carry out all the essential work you and Public Citizen
are doing together.

Public Citizen | 1600 20th Street NW | Washington DC 20009 | Unsubscribe
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