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Dear John,  

Ted Pankiewicz
approximately Be sure to visit our website:

It's HQ Newsletter Day!!
But first, let's go over primary election results for Indian River County.
The headline is that Donald Trump gathered enough delegates last night to guarantee himself the nomination for re-election. Congratulations, Mr. President!
The local headline is that in Florida, where the Republican primary was a "beauty contest" while the Democrat primary mattered, Donald Trump received approximately 90,000 more votes than did Joe Biden. Considering how hard it is to get out votes for a primary that doesn't matter, GREAT JOB, FLORIDA REPUBLICANS!!
And here in Indian River County, Donald Trump received 14,627 votes, as against 13,674 Democrat votes cast. Congratulations are due to Indian River County Republicans, the Republican Executive Committee, and of course to the Trump Campaign and its local leader, Frank Sosta. But remember, this was the practice run. NOVEMBER is the real thing!!

And now, to our main event, the HQ newsletter: 

 Joe Saul
Secretary Indian River County REC




Joe Saul
Indian River County Republican Executive Committee



Indian River County Republican Executive Committee, 2001 9th Ave., Ste. 107, Vero Beach, FL 32960
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