Help TWO times as much with this year end match.
Year End 2X match up to $500,000; Donate Today; Bird Illustration;
National Audubon Society
Northern Cardinal.
Northern Cardinal.
Time is almost up; Stopwatch graphic
Don’t Miss This 2X Match
In this code-red crisis, birds need all the help they can get. Fortunately, they have you: a dedicated protector through every challenge that comes their way. And for the next few hours, you can help twice as much during our year end match.

Your first annual gift will be matched 2X, up to $500,000 to protect birds with the urgency this crisis demands. This amazing opportunity gives your contribution double the impact. So please, make a compassionate choice that provides the uninterrupted resources our teams can depend on in their work to defend birds year after year.
Birds Need You Now. Bird Illustrations
Birds urgently need the protection of people who care about them and are ready to help—people like you. In our century-long history, we’ve taken on tough challenges before, and we’ve won, helping to bring many beloved species back from the brink. But we’re more powerful when generous bird lovers like you are in our corner.

Your support, in combination with our committed advocacy, empowering education, and expert on-the-ground conservation—all guided by research and grounded in our shared love for birds—gives birds their best chance. Not just to survive, but to thrive.
Birds Need Your Protection
Bird Icon.
3 billion birds have vanished in less than one person’s lifetime.
Bird Icon.
A staggering two-thirds of North American bird species face risk of climate extinction.
Bird Icon.
70+ species of birds have lost half of their populations in the past 50 years.
What we raise before midnight tonight will shape how we’re able to help birds in 2024. Will you please make your most meaningful annual gift right away? Your first annual contribution will be matched up to $500,000—but just until midnight tonight.


National Audubon Society
Photo: Steve Jessmore/Audubon Photography Awards. Illustrations: Northern Cardinal, Ruby-throated Hummingbird, Sandhill Crane, Brown Pelican.
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National Audubon Society
225 Varick Street, New York, NY 10014 USA
(844) 428-3826

© 2023 National Audubon Society, Inc.

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