As we close out 2023 and head into 2024 many of us are feeling a sense of deja vu – but with higher stakes. Before we head into the new year I hope you’ll give our 2023: The Year
In Review Episode a listen & make a year-end gift to support our
work in a year where this resource will be needed most!
>> Your end of year donation
will help produce & promote the Refuse Fascism podcast for a year
where it will be needed most. Support our urgent mission to
expose, analyze, and stand against the consolidation of American

If you would like your donation to be tax deductible, we will be so grateful!
Mail a check made to RefuseFascism/AFGJ 2 East 28th Street #321 New York NY 10016-7402

>> Listen
>> Listen on Youtube
Take a trip through the events of 2023 with an eye to the future
with some guests from this past year:
- Wendy Via
- Coco Das
- Jeff Sharlet
- Paul Street
- Thomas Zimmer
- Fred Wellman
- Sarah Posner
- Brynn Tannehill
- David Gilbert
- Dr. Marvin Dunn
- Faisal Al-Juburi
- Keyanna Jones
- Susan Neiman
- Mark Joseph Stern
- Dahlia Lithwick
- Madiba Dennie
- Mark Jacob
- Janet Ward
YOU to all the patrons and supporters who help make this show possible this year.
Sam Goldman for Refuse
P.S. We really can't do this without your support. Many sustain at $5/month, and I hope you will join them. I've joined TikTok! Check me out @samgoldmanrf
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Send checks or money orders, payable to "Refuse Fascism"
To make a tax-deductible donation of $100 or more in support of Refuse Fascism's educational activities, please make checks out to "Alliance for Global Justice," a 501(3)(c) organization, note: Refuse Fascism
Refuse Fascism | (917) 407-1286 | 2 East 28th Street #321, New York NY 10016-7402