Friend, I'm sorry for the late email on New Year's Eve, but there are just a few hours left until the year runs out, and we're roughly $6,000 short of our $100,000 end-of-year goal.
I know that you hear a lot about goals like this one. But we can't forget exactly what's at stake here. Democrats hold the Senate majority by the narrowest of margins. If we lose just one seat, Republicans could retake control. And we're on defense in 23 seats across the country. Simply put, the odds aren't in our favor.
In an election cycle like this one, every single goal matters immensely. And this end-of-year deadline is an especially important one. You see, after tonight, all of our fundraising numbers will be public. We need to hit this goal to show the GOP that the Senate isn't up for grabs, and this is the one last time I will reach out to make sure that we hit our goal as we head into the election year.
But unless there's a huge surge in donations over these last couple of hours of 2023, we're not going to be able to make up the gap in time. So please, friend, will you dig deep during these final hours of 2023 and rush a gift so that we can hit this goal and defend our Senate majority? Here's your personal donation link to give: https://secure.actblue.com/contribute/page/brl-fr-email/[email protected]
Con gratitud,
Ben Ray