Midnight is the deadline to double your gift. Read this if you really want to save lab animals or unsubscribe.
Dear Taxpayer,
Back when I was a college student, I discovered my university was getting tax money to hurt primates.
The professors were implanting metal coils into an innocent monkey’s eyeballs and damaging her brain with acid.
Outraged, I started my very first campaign—and SHUT DOWN the experiments on my campus!
I’ve devoted my life to the cause ever since.
Double your Donation
Today is the final day of 2023. You’ve probably received a lot of emails asking you to give to many worthy causes.
But Taxpayer, if you still have a few bucks to spare, I’m hoping I can convince you to invest it in the White Coat Waste Project (WCW)—the most effective group for getting animals out of labs.
Please send a special end-of-year donation to the organization that stopped more taxpayer-funded animal tests than every other group in 2023.
11:59 PM DEADLINE >>
Double your Donation
Taxpayer, after two decades of exposing and closing labs, I can tell you everything you need to know about animal testing.
For the first time ever, opposition to animal testing is at an all-time high—over 50% of people are against it. That's good!
But more lab animals (100M!) are being abused than ever. That’s BAD.
HERE’S THE MAIN POINT: despite the historic opportunity to end animal testing—and despite 40 years of well-meaning (but largely ineffective) efforts by the animal rights establishment—the overall problem is getting worse.
And here’s why: the U.S. government—AKA you, Taxpayer—is now the world’s largest funder of animal testing. You pay the $20 billion tax bill.
Double your Donation
Taxpayer, I think we can both agree: a fresh solution is needed here.
And that’s why I work at WCW. We’re very different. Our strategy? Stop the Money. Stop the Madness!
We unify taxpayers and pet owners in both political parties to cut the problem’s root cause: wasteful government spending.
I’ll also compare our performance in 2023 against anyone:
We’re effective. But we’re also 100% dependent on donations. Our average gift is just $20.
Taxpayer, I know times are tough. I know you’ve already been generous.
I also know you can’t give to every organization asking for money today… and I don’t think you should.
You Give. We Win. They Survive,
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Justin Goodman Senior Vice President |
P.S. MIDNIGHT DEADLINE: If you agree with my strategy… if you want me to shut down even more animal labs, then please give whatever you can by 11:59 pm tonight.
Taxpayer, if we receive your donation before midnight, it’s tax-deductible. Furthermore, it will be doubled because a generous WCW supporter is matching gifts to help me shut down twice as many labs in 2024.
Taxpayer, here’s your personal, secure link to unlock the match: https://whitecoatwaste.org/Taxpayer
Double your Donation
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