You can’t make this stuff up, John.
This week, young, white, male supporters of Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell took a picture groping, choking, and insulting a cardboard cut-out of Representative Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez. Then they bragged about it on social media with the caption: “Break me off a piece of that."
And what did Mitch’s campaign have to say? “Boys will be boys.”
Excuse me? Boys will be boys? That’s not good enough. Not even close.
You better believe AOC rightfully fired back:
The far-right’s attacks against AOC are endless, and they include disturbing sexual threats like this. It’s clear McConnell is enabling a toxic environment for his supporters to harass powerful women of color without consequence, and it’s the same kind of attitude that enabled a man accused of at least a dozen counts of sexual assault or harassment to become President of the United States.
If McConnell won’t stand up to these gross attacks -- which, let’s be honest, he’s already proven he won’t -- then let’s make sure he’s out of a job come 2020. Donate $5 or more right now to help us kick Mitch McConnell out of power and flip the Senate in 2020:
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Charles Chamberlain, Chair
Democracy for America