Dear John,
Over the past few months you’ve heard from several of my colleagues as we’ve shared our fight for a just, multi-racial democracy. What we share across all our stories at Race Forward is our collective courage to face the journey ahead.
We've been doing this work for over 40 years. We've faced backlash before and we continue to persevere and grow. We know what needs to be done, and we know that our vision for the future is one where everyone can thrive.
Tomorrow is a new day. A new year. A new beginning. A time we can fill with endless possibilities to build a just, multi-racial democracy that serves everyone – and keep working to bring those possibilities to life.
Thank you for sharing our vision for a future free from exploitation and oppression, and thank you for your courageous investment in the work it will take to get there.
Wishing you and yours a new year filled with joy and love.
With profound gratitude,

Glenn Harris
President, Race Forward

P.S. Start your 2024 with an ongoing commitment to Race Forward and become a recurring donor before midnight tonight!