The influence the oil industry holds over our political system should be an urgent call to action for every Californian. Their deep pockets fund efforts that oppose critical environmental policies, putting lives, livelihoods, and irreplaceable ecosystems and natural habitats at risk.
We CANNOT let Big Oil’s narrative dominate.
Faced with this challenge, we believe in the power of grassroots action and public education to realize our vision of solving the climate crisis, building resilient, connected, healthy communities, and creating a democracy and economy that is just and sustainable for all.
While we can’t match their millions in lobbying money, we have something far more powerful: the collective voice and action of individuals like you who care deeply about our planet’s future. When we come together, we can win BIG, even though they outspend us 5-to-1.
This is a pivotal moment. The actions we take now will define our environmental legacy. To continue this work in this decisive moment, we’re asking for your help again.
Your tax-deductible year-end contribution can help us counteract the influence of corporate polluters. It’s a fight for the health of our planet and future generations.
Your support is more than a donation; it’s a statement that the health of our environment is not for sale.