Dear John,
I wanted to make sure you saw Kyra Sedgwick’s email below. She talked about how solving the plastic pollution crisis will require a combination of individual action and big, bold systemic changes, and how donating to Plastic Pollution Coalition with a matched gift will support both.
Plastic Pollution Coalition provides individuals, businesses, and policy leaders with information about how to reduce the use of plastic, while advocating for broad changes at the federal and international levels through our work with legislators and with the UN Plastics Treaty.
Donate to Plastic Pollution Coalition before midnight tonight, so that your contribution of up to $50,000 will be doubled because of the match offered by our Executive Advisory Board. We WILL move on from plastics, but we need your support to make it happen.

Dianna Cohen Co-Founder & CEO Plastic Pollution Coalition
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From: Kyra Sedgwick Date: Thurs, Dec 28, 2023 Subject: We can all do our part!
Dear Friend,
If you’re like me, you do what you can to address the plastic pollution crisis. Every day, tons of plastic goes into landfills or our oceans, where it breaks down into microplastics, harms sea creatures, and makes its way into our food chain. Fortunately, there are things you can do to counter this, and one of the most impactful is to support Plastic Pollution Coalition, a great organization pushing for real, systemic solutions. And, if you
donate by December 31, your gift will be fully matched by their Executive Advisory Board!
I use stainless steel water bottles, straws, and food containers. I carry bamboo utensils and bring my own shopping bags to the store. I buy shampoo in a glass bottle. And I avoid stores that insist on selling everything in single-use plastic containers. Plastic Pollution Coalition provides lots of excellent guidance on how to live plastic-free, and I urge you to support them with a matched gift to help them continue doing so.
But we can’t solve the plastic problem through individual action alone. For real change, we need to support Plastic Pollution Coalition, an organization advocating for the strongest possible UN Plastics Treaty, maintaining a database that contains important information on plastic laws around the world, advising filmmakers on how to highlight reusable alternatives to plastic in movies and TV, and working with businesses to find and promote real solutions. These efforts will greatly contribute to solving the plastic pollution crisis, and you can double your donation with a matched gift today will boost this great work.
Warm wishes,

Kyra Sedgwick
P.S. John, don’t miss your chance to have your gift DOUBLED when you give before the end of the year! |