Make Your Year-End Gift to Earthworks Now

Dear John,

There’s still time to make a year-end donation to Earthworks. 

Giving now will ensure that you beat the midnight deadline to make a tax-deductible contribution. As of now, we just need 56 more people to make a donation of $75 or more so we can reach our year-end fundraising goal of $15,000.

Your gift will help ensure that we have the resources urgently needed to partner with frontline communities fighting corporations polluting their air and water. 

We will also be fighting for true leadership on climate change, working to protect wild lands and wildlife from destructive mining, and promoting a clean energy transition that protects communities and workers. 

You can make this work possible with your year-end donation to Earthworks now.

Thank you so much for your support. From all of us here at Earthworks, Happy New Year!


Ann Corbett
Philanthropy Director, Earthworks

P.S. Click HERE now to make a donation and beat the midnight deadline. Thanks again!  |  Make a Donation

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