New York Times: Here come the bailouts

New York Times: Here come the bailouts

Politico: Emergency stimulus to soar above $1 trillion - POLITICO

Washington Post: Casinos ask Congress for emergency aid as coronavirus toll tweeps industry

SIGN THE PETITION: Congress, no corporate welfare or no-strings-attached corporate bailouts. Give direct support to the American people.

Turn on images to see Stephanie's tweet: Bailouts are coming. I'd like to suggest one simple rule for Democrats to follow right now: Bailout people, not corporations. Not banks, not airlines, not cruises, not oil. People.

Turn on images to see tweet: My friends and family are terrified. We have no faith in our government to help us. Today I was informed by my employer that they have closed all offices in the company for at least two weeks. As an IT Operations Technician I make $19.89 an hour, and the CEO makes $64,000 a day.

Turn on images to see this Tweet: As a person who can't afford her prescriptions (the copays are less than $20 total) or rent due to job not giving me hours because of #COVID19 I desperately need a bailout.

The bailouts are coming. In this pivotal moment, we want to suggest one simple rule to Congress: No corporate welfare or bailouts for corporate CEOs. Give direct support to the American people! Sign on here.

Elizabeth Warren has called for a "grassroots stimulus." Instead of bailing out big corporations and banks, workers need paid leave and suspension of rent and mortgage payments so they can care for themselves and their families without putting others at risk.

Young people and adults need student debt cancellation to free them from this burden so they can meet their basic needs -- which will also pump more money into the economy. Seniors need expansion of Social Security benefits so they don't have to choose between paying for food and medicine.

ADD YOUR NAME: Congress, no corporate welfare or no-strings-attached corporate bailouts. Give direct support to the American people -- in a way that helps people in the short term and improves our economy for the long haul.

If you or a loved one is in particular need of support right now, please share your story on the petition page. We will update elected officials and the media.

With school closures, restaurants and bars shutting down, entire cities moving toward lockdown, the absence of a social safety net is clearer than ever. The harsh reality is, we’ve been here before.

Just 12 years ago, the 2008 financial crisis hit. And when it did, the federal government responded with a bankers’ bailout. The rich and powerful got richer and more powerful, while an entire generation of Americans struggled.

Jon Stewart proposed at the time:

I have a plan, let me run it by you. They’re bailing out these gigantic corporations...instead of giving billions and billions of dollars to the banks, basically rewarding their poor performance, why not get something tangible for those billions, and give it to the consumer? Take all the consumer debt, give us the money...give it to the consumers who have the debt, pay off their debt, the money goes right back into the bank's a “trickle up” theory of economics. 

There's a right way of doing this and a wrong way.

SIGN THE PETITION: Congress, no corporate welfare or no-strings-attached corporate bailouts. Give direct support to the American people -- in a way that helps people in the short term and improves our economy for the long haul.

Thanks for being a bold progressive.

— The PCCC Team



















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