Friend, as we come out of Shabbat, I wanted to send a short and
sweet note to make sure you saw the news:
A generous donor is matching all gifts to Bend the Arc before the
end of the year and we still have to raise $5,275 to meet our goal. I know how
much you care about this work — can
you give $18 today to help us reach our goal?
We have so much at stake in 2024, but I know that with people like
you on our side, we can take on white nationalism at the ballot box
and win. By giving today, you
help us start our work now to train volunteers, support candidates,
turn out voters, and shape the narrative of this election.
you give $18 right now to set us up for success in 2024?
— Jamie
To make a
contribution by check, please make the check payable to "Bend
the Arc Jewish Action" and send to:
Bend the
330 Seventh
Ave, Suite 1900
New York, NY