Notes from the Executive Director

Dear AHS Friends and Supporters,
As we close this year, I want to express my deep appreciation for your continued support of our mission to advocate and raise awareness for actionable policies that will thoughtfully increase the number and quality of affordable housing units throughout all of Arlington. This year marks the 20th anniversary of AHS, and we have much to celebrate.
AHS is proud to have led, convened, or collaborated with so many nonprofits, advocates, and neighbors to secure affordable housing policies that will lead to generational change and move us closer to our vision of an Arlington for Everyone.
In this last newsletter of 2023, I invite you to look back on some of this year’s highlights, including:
  • Supporting the adoption of Missing Middle/EHO zoning, which will enable more diverse and affordable housing options throughout Arlington.
  • Advocating for the County Board to increase funding for the Affordable Housing Investment Fund and restore resources for the inspection of existing CAF units.
  • Engaging with Arlingtonians through various channels, such as Housing Action Arlington meetings, Community Conversations, a revamped AHS website, and other events and forums to build support for affordable housing.
  • Providing guidance and testimony on Barcroft Apartments, Langston Blvd Area Plan, the Homeownership Study, and other housing matters to ensure they align with inclusive values.
  • Hosting our 20th anniversary event at the National Landing Experience Center, featuring a Leckey Forum panel on community land trusts and Bozman Awards honoring two outstanding County Board members.
I also take you on a brief journey through the past two decades of AHS' evolution from a collection of concerned neighbors into Arlington’s most trusted voice on affordable housing policy.
Now that we are in the cold months again, my heart is warmed looking back at all that we were able to do because of your support, the expertise of our amazing consultants (Alice Hogan, Hanna Metuda, and Nicole Lewis), and the dedication of our board to affordable housing in Arlington.
I am excited about the future and the opportunities that AHS' unification with NVAHA will bring to AHS-Arlington and to you, our valued supporters.
Your involvement and generosity are essential to keep our advocacy for affordable housing in Arlington strong. I am grateful that you care, and I appreciate your financial support.
As always, thank you for all you do to further the impact of our work.
Best wishes for the new year,
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Twenty Years
of Advocacy


AHS & NVAHA Unifcation

AHS and Northern Virginia Affordable Housing Alliance (NVAHA), two organizations with a common vision and mission of affordable housing, will unify into one entity starting January 1, 2024.

The combined entity will maintain the local Arlington voice for advocacy, deepen outreach, amplify our impact in the region, and strengthen our presence as the most trusted voice on affordable housing issues.

Look to our website, social media platforms, and update emails over the coming weeks for more information on how you can continue to support the work we do in Arlington and throughout Northern Virginia. 

Make a Resolution to Serve

The Alliance for Housing Solutions is a small nonprofit with a big voice. By joining us as a volunteer you can help advance solutions designed to increase the supply of safe, affordable housing for a diverse and sustainable community. There are many ways to assist: photography, social media, fundraising, and event support are just a few.

To express interest in volunteering, you may access our volunteer form here and an AHS volunteer coordinator will follow up with you.


Join an AHS Group

Learn and Share in Policy Discussions

Become a member of the Alliance for Housing Solutions community on the platform to learn, share ideas, and be part of policy discussions. We currently offer the following groups:

Housing Action Arlington

This coalition of housing and service providers and advocates meets online monthly to share information, plan strategies, and advocate on a range of housing issues in Arlington. Join here

Missing Middle Network

Join a group of people committed to increasing the diversity of options and price points of housing in Arlington. Join here

Accessory Dwelling Discussion Group

In this group, homeowners, architects, and realtors ask questions, share best practices, and provide support for those interested in developing accessory dwellings. Join here
Increasing the supply of affordable housing through education, policy, advocacy, and innovation.
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