This email that my team sent you yesterday is a great summary of what we’re facing in 2024 – and why I’m asking for your help this weekend.

We’re running out of time before the final FEC deadline of 2023. Can you pitch in $10 or any amount before midnight tomorrow?

Thanks so much – and please read the team’s email below!

– Maria

Begin forwarded email:

We have a critical Federal Election Commission (FEC) deadline on December 31, and Maria urgently needs your help.

It will be our last deadline for 2023 — but the first fundraising report released in 2024.

That means the media, political pundits, and Republican operatives will go over our filing with a fine-tooth comb to see if Maria and her Democratic colleagues have the grassroots strength to hold the U.S. Senate.

In short, the December 31 FEC filing will set the political narrative for months — and we cannot afford to come up short.

With so much at stake, will you give $10 before midnight on December 31 to help hit our end-of-quarter goal of raising $50,000?

If you've stored your payment information with ActBlue Express, your donation will process immediately.


We cannot take anything for granted.

Right-wing dark money groups, powerful GOP megadonors, and Mitch McConnell’s Republican machine are focusing on flipping the Senate by electing anti-choice extremists.

All of them are ready, willing, and able to spend whatever it takes to seize control of the Senate next November.

If you care about protecting reproductive freedom and continuing our progress, please pitch in immediately to help Maria keep fighting for all of us.

Thanks for stepping up.

— Team Cantwell




Paid for by Friends of Maria

Friends of Maria
PO Box 12740
Seattle, WA 98111
United States