Don't miss your chance to make an impact!
Don't miss your chance to make an impact!

Dear John,
This year FIJA supporters like you have donated more than $50,000 to create fully informed jurors who are empowered to engage in jury nullification to deliver just verdicts. THANK YOU!
With just hours to go in 2023, we are 90% of the way to our annual goal of just $60,000. I know that with your help, John, we can make it!
Because FIJA operates on such a small budget, your donation of $500, $250, $100, $50, or any other amount really makes a big difference in what we can do.
Give a gift today to support juror rights education in 2024 by clicking here:
Donate Now

Your gift will create more fully informed jurors in 2024 through educational outreach such as:
  • printing FIJA’s brand new, full-color brochure on jury nullification and the First Amendment (You’ll be among the first to receive one, and it’s almost ready to go! Most likely you will see this in your mail in January.),
  • celebrating Lysander Spooner’s birthday in January with an online discussion of his jury-related works,
  • hosting the 4th annual online State of the American Jury System presentation in February,
  • editing and publishing an e-book highlighting the works of Lysander Spooner on or related to jury rights issues, 
  • developing a multi-part email series on jury nullification that will be sent to all new subscribers to the FIJA newsletter as an introductory class on jury nullification when they sign up, 
  • continuing to expand and update—the world's premier resource for jury nullification education and related information—and keep it available to the public at no charge,
  • supporting volunteers creating fully informed jurors at courthouses, conferences, and other events with educational materials, booth fees, meal or coffee stipends, etc. 
  • and more!
Don't miss your chance to make an impact!

Donate Now

We are so grateful for you, John, and can’t wait to see what we can accomplish together in 2024!

For Liberty, Justice, and Peace in Our Lifetimes,
Executive Director
Fully Informed Jury Association

P.S. If you have donated to FIJA in the last year, you may have already received your 2024 Jury Rights Calendar. If not, you should expect it to arrive shortly as they have all been mailed. If you are not able to put it to use, please share it with someone else to create another fully informed juror!

For those of you who have never made a donation or have not done so in a while, we would also appreciate your support! There are only a couple dozen calendars left, but I will keep sending those out to those of you who have not yet been sent one until they are gone.