Here’s why we’re asking , John:

Dear John — today we are kindly asking you to make your first ever donation to the California Democratic Party.

Because of our grassroots supporters, we’ve been hard at work laying critical mobilization infrastructure across our entire state. This includes our Forever Organizing program that ensures we are CONSTANTLY knocking on doors, at community events, and on the phones, speaking with everyday voters.

But now, we need a surge of support from first-time donors before our critical December 31st FEC Filing Deadline in 48 hours. (You can click this link to pitch in right away).

CHIP IN $5 >>

CHIP IN $15 >>

CHIP IN $35 >>

CHIP IN $55 >>

CHIP IN $105 >>

Here’s why we’re asking, John:

→ Election analysts, the media, and even Republicans themselves all agree: Control of the U.S. House in 2024 is almost certainly going to come down to swing seats in California.

→ After December 31st, all our fundraising goes public. That means all eyes will be on us to prove that we have what it takes to flip the U.S. House blue.

→ Right now we are still $9,873.50 short of our fundraising goal which means that critical initiatives like opening regional offices and hiring organizers might be delayed or put on hold.

We know that you get lots of emails, John. But making your first donation to the California Democratic Party is an investment in flipping the U.S. blue next year. Can we count on you to step up before our FEC Filing Deadline in 48 hours on December 31st?

CHIP IN $15 >>

Thank you so much for your support,


P.S. If you have made a donation to us in the past, thank you so much! Sometimes our records take a minute to update or we might be reaching out to you at a new email address. We are so appreciative of all our grassroots supporters — we couldn’t do it without you!

Our Democratic leaders are working hard to make California a better place to live. From fighting for good-paying jobs, combating climate change, to expanding healthcare access so all Californians can lead safe, healthy, prosperous lives — California’s Democratic leaders turn progressive ideas into meaningful action.

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Paid for by the California Democratic Party | | Not authorized by any candidate or candidate committee.
California Democratic Party
1830 9th St
Sacramento, CA 95811
United States