Dear friends,
I am writing you on the eve of the new year from the desk of my human, Interim Executive Director Avery Outlaw. As their dedicated feline companion, I’ve witnessed the ways the ASAN team has worked hard all through 2023 to ensure self-advocates have the resources and information they need to fight for their rights. Your support has put ASAN's humans in a strong position to launch into the work of 2024.
Us pets have watched as our humans wrote toolkits, comments and policy briefs. They worked on many issues over the past year, including the new HCBS settings rule, the chance to push for fair wages, and updates to discrimination policy. In 2023, the ASANimals saw self-advocates answer the call to know your rights, speak out, and push for better protections for the autistic community’s rights.
This is hard, necessary work to build a more just world.
However, I bear an urgent message.

Put down the laptop.
As 2023 draws to a close and my human steps up to the plate as the interim ED, I want to speak the important wisdom of all cats: Napping in the afternoon sunbeams will make you a stronger opponent when that catnip mouse starts sassing off at 3 am. Rest and balance are part of the cycle of reaching our goals. It’s important to take care of yourself. My job is to interrupt humans when they haven’t pet me in a while - and while I can’t do that in person for you, I’m meowing right now to tell you.
This year brought many opportunities to change policy for the better, work in solidarity with other organizations, and put new resources into the hands of self-advocates. The fight will continue in 2024, and ASAN needs your support! Whether you join ASAN’s membership program or make an end-of-year gift, your donation gives ASAN’s team the strength they need to continue fighting for our rights.

The world and these problems are critically important.
The issues our humans work on impact a lot of people’s lives. They’ve called on you to make a difference, and you’ve joined in that work, whether by writing a public comment, speaking out at a listening session, or sharing ASAN’s resources. In between the actions you take to fight for the disability community, it’s important to find balance. The self-advocacy movement began with the hunger for community, for freedom to live life fully, for connection. Use your voice to fight for your rights, but use it also for laughter, for yowling to the moon, for joy. Remember the future we are striving for by spending time with your loved ones, fuzzy or not, in the now.
We’ll be here when it’s time to come back. If you have the means to do so, please donate to ASAN, so our humans can continue making tools to fight for our community.
The new year will have lots of challenges for us to face, together - so make sure you drink up those afternoon sunbeams whenever you have time.
Your fuzzily,
Interim Executive Director’s Floof
Autistic Self Advocacy Network
Autistic Self Advocacy Network
PO Box 66122
Washington, DC 20035
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