Dear John,

Did you see Thursday’s email from our advisory board member Dorothy Roberts about her appreciation for the work of the Center for Genetics and Society?

Dorothy expressed gratitude for CGS’ efforts to “challenge scientific racism and the resurgence of eugenics, prevent reproductive genome editing, and advocate for the health and rights of everyone involved in assisted reproduction.”

As she noted, it’s more urgent than ever before to bring social justice voices to the forefront of discussions on human biotechnologies.

Join the fight for genetic justice

We are deeply grateful for her commitment to CGS through the years – and for yours.

Please consider making a gift to CGS now, to power our fight for genetic justice in 2024 and beyond.

Join us in putting racial, reproductive, disability, and LGBTQ+ justice at the heart of the decisions being made today about powerful reproductive and genetic technologies – so that we can ensure a fair and inclusive future.

With gratitude,

Marcy Darnovsky and Katie Hasson

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