Hey John, it's New Year's weekend, which means we're just a day and a half away from 2024!

But do you know what it also means?

It means we're just a day and a half away from our last major quarterly fundraising deadline of the year.

It only gets more intense from there. When we wake up on January 1, 2024, Election Day will be just 64 days away ... and ballots will be getting mailed out in just 35 days!

This race is trending our way, but we need to wake up in 2024 with as much momentum as we can to persuade the final undecided voters, turn out the vote, and WIN THIS ELECTION.

That's why we're asking if you can help Max ring in the New Year by rushing in a generous contribution BEFORE MIDNIGHT TOMORROW!
We're heading into the final stretch. We hope you have our back in the final days.

Thank you, 

Team Max Ukropina
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