Keeping kids healthy through the COVID-19 crisis
Keeping kids healthy through the COVID-19 crisis
Dear Friends,
In this time of crisis, we know families are facing extraordinary pressures, and the Child Mind Institute is here to help. Even as we make necessary adaptations to stem the spread of COVID-19, we remain as committed as ever to bringing life-changing clinical care, resources and support to children and families who are struggling.

But it’s not business as usual, and I want to tell you what we are doing differently. These all-digital offerings are aimed to help all families navigate this situation, and offer extra support for families whose children need specialized clinical care — now more than ever.

The Child Mind Institute digital response to COVID-19 includes:
I hope you’ll take advantage of our resources and share them widely with your networks. And please don’t hesitate to contact us to discuss how we can support individuals or your whole community with our remote services.

In this disconcerting time, the Child Mind Institute staff is committed to providing our children with all the support they need and partnering with you to see them through this crisis.


Harold S. Koplewicz, MD
Child Mind Institute