I just checked the numbers, friend, and unfortunately we’re behind on our fundraising goal as the year comes to an end.
I know this team of environmental warriors can make up that difference.
A donation today of even just a few dollars will go a long way in our fight to expand voting access.
Recent polling EnviroVoters Ed Fund conducted with partner organizations confirmed that most Californians believe climate change is real and that its effects are getting worse. It also showed that our communities are demanding bold policies that will accelerate our progress towards the state’s climate goals.
Friend, we must ensure our communities can make their voices heard in 2024 at the polls. Expanding voting among young people, women, Black people, Indigenous people, and people of color is key because our democracy fails when any voices are excluded.
Please make a tax-deductible gift to California Environmental Voters Education Fund right now during our year-end donor drive to support our work to Get Out The Vote!