the Mission in 2024!

Take courage, I have
conquered the world!
Dear Friend,
In any realistic assessment of the
world in which we live—we have to admit it—the signs are distressing
whether we are looking at our society or at our Church.
Every indicator of Church vitality
– sacramental participation, religious vocations, parish life –
signals a tide that is receding fast, threatening the Church’s ability
to stay viable and, consequently, to have any influence on our
children and grandchildren.
Consider three significant trend
lines in the Church today.
- One is a
rapid decline in the number of priests and religious in proportion to
the number of Catholics.
- The
second line is the mass exodus of Catholics walking away from the
Church and/or attending Mass.
- The
third line represents the weakening of families with a diminishing
number of weddings exacerbated by an alarming increase in the number
of annulments.
In other words, the key metrics of
Church vitality are all
heading exponentially in the wrong direction.
If the leadership of the Catholic
Church were to take an honest and objective look at these disturbing
trend lines facing our beloved Church, they would have to realize the
long-term future of the Catholic Church in the west is far from
But despite all
The word “defeat” is simply not in
our vocabulary.
For us at Catholic Action for Faith
and Family, “defeat” is a foreign concept to our mission
mentality. That is good in itself, but of course, we are just a
Catholic organization.
Above all, the Church that Christ
founded—the One, Holy, Catholic, and Apostolic Church is
While we know, historically, the
Holy Spirit’s promise of divine protection and guidance “to the end of
the age” (Mt 28:20) doesn’t apply to any individual community of
faith, large or small, yet it is a promise to the Church as a
whole… and we believe it with all our
That is why we can look at all the
challenges the Church is facing with realistic eyes and still repeat
Mark’s Twain’s quip to all the doomsayers of his days:
‘Reports of [the Church’s]
death have been greatly exaggerated’!
We have a good reason for that. We
are members of the universal Church. It is universal in so many
- It is
spread to every corner of the earth.
- It has
the full means for the sanctification and salvation of
- It is
universal in its doctrine of truth and works of charity.
- It
embraces all souls of all ages, cultures, and times. And, most
- It
encompasses Heaven, Purgatory, and Earth.
At Catholic Action, we are fully
aware of this universal dimension of our work, that we are partners
with the angels and saints in the work of fighting the good fight of
the Church. The communion of saints is real, and it pays dividends for
everyone humbly doing God’s Will and the Church’s work.
On that matter, as we come to the
end of our calendar year we want to thank all of our
supporters for helping us to
fight on the front lines of the Church, and we urge you to stay with
us in good times and bad to help us to continue this
In fact, in the coming calendar
year we intend to do everything in our power to take our mission to a
new level—in and with the communion of saints—and that includes
In our recent annual
report for 2023, we have
detailed the successes of the year with a grateful heart for all that
God has done in and through us. Now, we are setting our sites on the
coming year and the many plans we have to take our mission to a new
Above all, we are about the
business of mounting a coordinated response to multiple battle fronts
currently raging without and within the Church.
As our plan indicates, we intend to
reach millions through our multi-media outreach and
prayer campaigns because we
know that while the correct messaging is always important, it is
prayer that drives our mission.
Realistically, we will be reaching
for our million Prayer and Rosary Warriors on the horizon this year!
Is that too ambitious? I don’t think
In that, we have no better ally
than our heroic Patron, Cardinal Burke, whose heroic fidelity to Holy
Mother Church is reflected in his holy Masses at the first of every
month. This forms the backbone of our prayer campaign together with
his stalwart promotion of the holy Rosary.
We will follow his lead!
Strength has tremendous potential
in numbers to compete for hearts and minds, but we are bent on
galvanizing more than 70 million registered Catholics in the United
States, and more around the world, to become more active in their
As we get set to embark on our most significant years ahead
since our founding, your
gift makes a difference in helping to uphold, defend and support
the Catholic Faith and the Catholic Family.
We ALL want to make the Church a more faith inspiring place
for our youth.
…because we know that the Church is
the stronghold of society. If the Church is weak society falls apart.
When the Catholic Church is spiritually strong, we are the “salt and
light” of our world—as we are supposed to be.
Catholic Action for Faith and
Family has diligently battled on the front lines to spread the Hope
and Light of Christ amid the darkness and confusion of our times and
your prayers and generosity enable us to expand all aspects of our
As I conclude, let me thank you for
your generous support for the mission of Catholic Action for Faith and
Family! Please continue to support us and make
a meaningful donation to our Annual Campaign according to your
In an equally troubled time, the Prophet Jeremiah challenged
the people of his troubled age to chart a way forward, and
which may help us in any evaluation of the way forward for our
Thus says the Lord:
Stand by the earliest
ask the pathways of old,
“Which is the way to good?” and walk
thus you will find rest for
yourselves. (Jer 6:16)
we close out the year, I need your help to get ready to go to the next
Once again, thank you for your
ongoing support!

Your friend in Christ,
Thomas J. McKenna
Founder and President
Catholic Action
