We need Jamaal in Congress.

Bowman for Congress

Hey John,

Here’s what we mean when we say Jamaal takes courageous stands for peace and love:

Last year, Jamaal sponsored a resolution to condemn the white supremacist “Great Replacement Theory.” It passed – but without a single Republican vote.

Now, as MAGA Republicans publicly endorse white supremacist ideas, we need Jamaal’s leadership in Congress more than ever. Chip in to help us hit our year-end goal and keep him fighting for our values.

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We don’t have to guess at the Great Replacement Theory’s impact on our nation. The perpetrators of mass shootings in New York, Texas, and Pennsylvania literally told us that they were motivated by the theory.

It’s anti-Black, antisemitic, and anti-immigrant – and it’s also coming out of Republicans’ mouths on the daily.

We just had a Republican presidential candidate namecheck and endorse the Great Replacement Theory on live TV.

We need leaders in Congress who will lead the charge against white supremacy. Jamaal has proven himself, and that’s why conservative operatives want to take him out. Chip in to defend Jamaal and our movement of peace and love.

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Let’s do this,

Team Bowman