GOAL: $2 million
DEADLINE: December 31
- Taking on methane pollution right at the source. Through projects like MethaneSAT, a satellite pinpointing methane hotspots around the world, we can hold polluters accountable, provide publicly available data to drive action and highlight quick-win opportunities to immediately drive down emissions of this potent greenhouse gas.
- Slashing climate pollution from the transportation sector by working with vehicle manufacturers to revolutionize transportation, pushing for EPA standards that will lead us to 100% zero-emission vehicles by 2040 and cleaning up the maritime shipping industry.
- Empowering food producers to help save the planet while feeding the world. We are protecting funding for climate-smart agricultural practices to lower climate pollution and increase crop resilience, working with food companies like Nestle and Danone as they commit to slashing methane emissions and helping fishers and farmers adopt sustainable methods to ensure their livelihoods for generations to come.
- Harnessing nature to fight climate change by protecting and restoring critical carbon sinks like wetlands, tropical forests and oceans. In 2023, we started work in Ecuador to help repair and restore nearly 1,000 acres of tropical wetland forests. This effort helps protect vital food sources, provides habitats for wildlife, protects coastal communities and sequesters large amounts of carbon.
So much of what we do to create a safer climate future depends on you. I hope I can count on your support,
Taylor Vos
Online Engagement and Advocacy
P.S. You can make your $3-for-$1 match last for a whole year! By starting an automatic monthly gift, your first 12 months will have four times the impact. Monthly donors help us keep our overhead costs down, set more sustainable budgets and plan for longer-term projects that will expand and amplify our work. Become a monthly donor today!
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