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Dear Press Freedom Supporter, 
I recently wrote to you because journalists are facing unprecedented attacks and our right to know the facts about our increasingly tumultuous world is under threat.

Just over the last few weeks: 
  • Russia extended the detention of two journalists with U.S. citizenship, Alsu Kurmasheva and Evan Gershkovich
  • A crackdown in Azerbaijan has led to the arrest of seven journalists. 
  • Eight Mexican journalists were abducted or shot at in four incidents over the course of 10 days. 
  • Hong Kong journalist Minnie Chan went missing after a reporting trip to Beijing. 
  • In Mali, one journalist was killed, one was injured, and two were kidnapped by unidentified gunmen
  • And amid the devastating deaths of at least 69 journalists during the Israel-Gaza war, we are advocating for accountability and seeking ways to provide direct support.
We will not stop protecting journalists from harm anywhere in the world. Our team is working hard to stem the assaults, protect journalists, and provide direct assistance. And we’re asking you to join us to defend reporters in need. Please make your contribution today. 

With gratitude,

Jodie Ginsberg
Committee to Protect Journalists
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Committee to Protect Journalists
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