From Kerry Schumann <[email protected]>
Subject COVID-19, the Spring Election, and you
Date March 17, 2020 9:55 PM
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Dear John ,
These are scary times, full of uncertainty.
Like you, I worry for my family and friends’ health and safety. I worry about the many people who will struggle without household income, healthcare, or childcare. And I worry about how our democracy will hold up in such an important year.

For most of this, the best we can do is stay home and do our part to slow the spread of COVID-19. We can check on our neighbors who live alone to make sure they’re okay. And we can be kind to others, knowing we are all facing high levels of stress.

There’s one other thing you can do: you can vote by mail to make sure your voice counts in the April 7 election. In a time when it’s easy to feel powerless, this is one place where we can use our power to make sure, after this is all over, we have elected candidates who will fight for healthy water and air, who will work to address climate change, and who will put Wisconsin’s people first.

Here’s what you need to know:

• Vote by mail by ordering your absentee ballot here by 5 p.m. on April 2. It’s easy and will make sure your voice is heard.
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• See our list of endorsed candidates on the April ballot, including Jill Karofsky for Wisconsin Supreme Court Justice.
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Because we care about you, our members and supporters, and our staff, we have canceled all of our upcoming events through March and possibly longer. We’ve also closed our brick-and-mortar offices across the state, working from home as recommended by the Centers for Disease Control.

While the situation is having an impact on where we perform our work, it’s not changing our commitment to making sure you’re able to safely cast your vote in the Spring Election on April 7. We’ve endorsed conservation champions across the state who we know will fight for clean energy, clean water, and a healthier future for their communities and our state.
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We’ll also use email, social media, and good old-fashioned phone calls to keep in touch as we move forward toward election day.

While this serious and evolving situation presents challenges, we’re as committed as ever to making sure your voice helps shape our future.
Voting by mail with an absentee ballot is a quick and easy process, but we all need a little help now and again. If you need assistance requesting your ballot, please contact any of our staff, listed here: We’re happy to help walk you through the process.

Thank you, be well, and we’ll keep in touch,
Kerry Schumann
Executive Director
Wisconsin Conservation Voters
[email protected]
Wisconsin Conservation Voters
133 S. Butler Street Suite 320
Madison, WI 53703
United States
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