Our democracy needs immigrant leaders
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Hi John,

This has been an incredible year for the New American Leader Network. And as the year comes to a close, I would be remiss if I didn’t ask you to join me in celebrating our inspiring network and their accomplishments!

GIF based off of the Spotify Wrapped design, highlighting NAL's top highlights from 2023.

Every time the NAL Network comes together, I am blown away by the strength, wisdom, and power exhibited. I cherish the moments that I was fortunate enough to spend with our network this year, like connecting with NYC Councilmembers Amanda Farías and Crystal Hudson in New York; watching NAL elected officials like Georgia State Representatives Ruwa Romman and Marvin Lim, Colorado State Representative Elizabeth Velasco, and New York State Assemblymember Steven Raga share their experience and know-how with participants at our Ready to Win® advanced training bootcamp in Washington, DC; and connecting with leaders like Detroit City Councilor Gaby Santiago-Romero and Arizona State Senator Anna Hernandez at our 10th annual Power & Policy Conference. 

These moments are made all the more special knowing the journey each of these leaders has taken with New American Leaders. From the time they started to consider running for office, to the day they were sworn into office, and now as they are in office, New American Leaders and our network have been with them every step of the way. 

Like you, NAL believes that everyone should be encouraged to participate in our democracy, especially first- and second-generation immigrants and refugees. This year showed what we’ve known all along: that when New Americans become elected officials, everyone benefits. 

In 2023, the NAL Network overturned anti-worker “right to work” legislation in Michigan; sponsored over a dozen pro-immigrant bills that were signed into law in Colorado; and advocated to close Rikers Island, expand street vendor permit access, provide rent relief, and support for undocumented workers in New York. But this is just the start of the long list of accomplishments from the NAL Network!

I know how deeply you believe in a United States that is fairer, more inclusive, and equitable. With your support, we can continue to support the next generation of changemaking immigrant leaders who can be the champion our communities need. Please make a year-end donation of $100, $75, or $50 today to help make this vision a reality in 2024.

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I hope you will join me in recognizing the progress we made this year. Let’s ring in 2024 with hope and a renewed commitment to create a stronger, more inclusive democracy for us all!

Ghida Dagher
President and CEO
New American Leaders

New American Leaders does not endorse candidates for public office. All political and advocacy activities are organized through the New American Leaders Action Fund.
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