Your Gift Protects Families and Fights for Climate Action

Dear John,

We have big plans for 2024 and need your support to make it happen.

If you haven’t donated yet (or would like to step up again!), please donate now.

Your online year-end gift is easy to make, secure and will be tax-deductible if made before midnight Sunday. 

Your generosity will help us stand alongside communities threatened by mining, drilling and fracking and give them the support needed to fight giant corporations, complicit politicians and uncaring regulators.

Please join our fight for communities and families in 2024 with a year-end donation now. 

Thank you for being part of the Earthworks community. Together, we are protecting communities, wildlife and the planet!


Ann Corbett
Philanthropy Director, Earthworks

P.S. Tomorrow is the deadline to make your 2023 tax-deductible contribution. Click HERE now to contribute online. Thanks again!  |  Make a Donation

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