Shelter in Place
Covid-19 and Transit
Transit Driver Appreciation Day


As we shelter in place, we're keeping you all in our thoughts. 

Muni has reduced underused commuter service while maintaining essential local lines that connect residents to grocery stores, hospitals and essential services. You can find the latest updates on Muni service here

We remain grateful for and impressed by the service provided by the dedicated staff at SFMTA. On Monday despite schools being closed, more Muni drivers than average showed up to provide essential transportation access to passengers who needed it most. We are grateful to all essential workers, including our Muni drivers and SFMTA staff, keeping our city going in these trying times. 

Going forward, it is our responsibility to come together to protect the lives of those around us by limiting the spread of this disease as much as possible. Avoiding unnecessary outings and "flattening the curve" is the most impactful thing you can do during at this time. Even so, brunt of this crisis will fall heavily on the most vulnerable among us. We look forward to a brighter tomorrow and collective solutions that help us respond as a more equitable, sustainable, and inclusive society. 

Wishing everyone health and safety in the coming weeks.

- Cat, Zack, Eric and the SFTR Board of Directors


Covid-19 and Transit

Transit agencies around the country are losing money as ridership falls. Muni as lost $1 Million in the last week as ridership has diminished, while more fare-dependent systems like BART and Caltrain are greatly suffering. Major cities and transit agencies, as well as local officials in the Bay Area, have banded together to call for immediate action from Congress.

Catch up on the latest COVID-19 related transit news below...


Transit Driver Appreciation Day

Muni drivers are the frontline heroes of transit operations. Whether it is the expert navigating along congested streets or the welcome smile they give when you board, drivers are at the heart of our transit experiences. And as essential employees, they're putting themselves on the line these days to make sure people can get around. 

Show your love for transit drivers in 3 easy steps:

1. Write a thank you message to Muni drivers on a piece of paper.

2. Take a picture of yourself holding up the note.

3. Post it on social media using #TDAD and tagging @SFTRU.

It takes less than five minutes and means a lot. We plan to get these pictures to the divisions for operators to see. They could really use the boost just about now.

San Francisco Transit Riders
P.O. Box 193341,  | San Francisco, California  94119 

[email protected]
