

We are almost at the end of the year, and I want to make sure you understand just how much impact a donation to Jobs With Justice has for workers.


Workers won massive gains this year, but there are millions more who are still seeking justice and dignity in the workplace. It’s the work of Jobs With Justice to not forget that fact, and to launch innovative campaigns that ensure everyone has a voice on the job.


Your gift is for the warehouse and delivery workers who spent their holidays packaging and sending presents to our loved ones - despite not having bathroom breaks or paid days off to spend time with their own families.

Your gift is for the person who is just now realizing they have an opportunity to organize their co-workers to better their workplace, but just need a little support to make a real difference. 

Your gift is for ALL the working people who took to the streets and advocated for each other in support of an economy that works for ALL of us.


So, please, maximize your impact by making a gift today. Our generous anonymous donor is matching donations through December, so don’t waste anytime! 

In Solidarity,


Jameson Wells


Jobs With Justice