Protect children and families from COVID-19
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Coronavirus has disrupted our daily lives in unprecedented ways. Social distancing is absolutely critical to mitigate the impact of COVID-19 on fragile health systems and protect those who are most vulnerable. But for children and families living in overcrowded refugee camps, from Jordan to Bangladesh, social distancing is not an option.
When, not if, they get sick, they'll be among the hardest to reach for healthcare workers — we must act now before it's too late. Donate immediately to support UNICEF's ongoing response to global health emergencies >>
Friend, I know the news can make a person feel helpless, but you can help. The number of coronavirus cases will continue to grow exponentially, and we need to be prepared. Your gift can help deliver supplies where they are needed most, strengthening health systems during this critical time.
How quickly we act will determine how many lives we can save. UNICEF is rushing supplies to the front lines and providing hygiene and medical kits to schools and health clinics so they can safely tackle this pandemic.
We are also working with Facebook to ensure that lifesaving information reaches children and families around the world. We've launched nationwide handwashing campaigns on television and social media, reaching more than 32 million people with transmission prevention messages — and we're on track to reach 210 million more people in the coming days.
This is how we stop a global outbreak: one action, one person at a time. Please, donate now to support UNICEF's ongoing efforts to stop the spread of disease and protect children and families in the hardest hit regions >>
Every action we take matters,
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